Amira gets an invite to Michael Racket's house after school.
Amira has a huge crush on Michael and it would appear that Michael feels the same way about her.
"Thanks for inviting me over," Amira says. "I was starting to think you weren't that into me."
"I'm just a little shy," Michael admits, "and nervous."
"You don't have to be nervous."
Amira kisses Michael right then as proof that they both feel the same way.
"If this was a 50's movie, I'd ask you if you were going to pin me. Let's just agree to go steady."
Michael has no objections.
Amira sneaks out with a token when no one is looking.
Varinia sits in her pink limo in the middle of a rainstorm on her way to declare that the time is finally right.
Contemplating her life until now.
"I wasn't expecting to see you tonight. Did we have a date?" Claude asks.
"No, I just thought we should talk."
In the last moment, Varinia's nerves wreak havoc on her.
"I think it's finally time we moved in together," Varinia says in a rush. "We've spent so much time apart and I really don't want that anymore. I built us a house and I was just so nervous, what if this isn't what you want anymore?"
Her emotions get the best of her and her feelings come tumbling out.
"Of course it's what I want. It's what I've wanted for years."
The morning after. The day is brighter, the muffins tastier. Everything is beautiful.
Amira wants to make sure she looks stunning in her prom dress.
"Dad, I'm on the phone. Sorry, Michael, just my dad trying to interrupt. You were saying?"
Claude isn't sure what he's just walked in to.
"So, are you and mom finally getting married?"
Claude isn't too sure about the answer to that question yet.
(Notice the rogue rug. Thanks floorplan mode.)
"That doesn't really work."
"Shut up and paint."
"Your use of color is inspiring." Claude chimes.
"That doesn't really work!" Moira and Claude say in unison.
Growing. Expanding.
Almost a family meal.
The girls have a small run to get to the school bus.
Selma is still working part time at the grocery store.
Maeve and Israel are expecting their second child. Sally is still a toddler.
"Your hands are going to be full but I welcome more grandchildren."
Varinia beams at her eldest daughter.
Grandmother and granddaughter.
"We're very excited for the new baby. Though, honestly, I'm a little scared too."
"You two are doing a good job. Nothing to be scared of. I managed to raise five brilliant young women, I'm sure you and Israel will do marvelously with a second child."
Excellent love it