"Maybe now that women will see you for the pest you are you'll have a little more time to spend with Rickey!"
"Grandma, muffins are ready!" Vera calls.
Varinia bought a stove like the one her daughters used to use. She sure does love those muffins.
Amira is back to working out. She desperately wants another promotion at work and it helps her relieve stress. She is able to block out everything when she's at the pullup bar or jogging. Exercising really is her favorite hobby.
Claude is finding other creative outlets now that he is a hit movie composer. He finds it soothing to paint while Varinia plays new compositions.
Little Dahlia is a quiet baby. Michael spends most of his days caring for her and blogging on his phone.
"Will my readers like my new blog post? It's all about you!"
Amira stops working out so that she can eat a salad. She finds the fridge stuffed with baked goods. The majority are muffins. She is displeased by the lack of any food of substance in the fridge but she also can't be bothered to cook anything else.
Vera and Dahlia share the nursery. Mostly it's ok. . .
Until Dahlia starts shrieking in the middle of the night.
Vera makes her way to the couch and spends the night there. Amira and Michael are unaware that she is out there when they get into an argument about how much time Amira spends working out instead of bonding with Dahlia.
"This is my stress relief, Michael!"
"I understand but. . ."
"And you know how I felt about having another baby. This has not been easy on me!"
"Amira, I know but she's here and she deserves to have her mother."
This little springtime gnome tries to alleviate the tensions by playing music.
Claude realizes that he's losing some of his skills from lack of use. He starts practicing his magic before work everyday.
Dahlia wakes up very early and Michael tends to her. Amira tends to her garden instead.
"What are you doing down here?" Michael asks. "It's very early you should be in bed."
"I tried to sleep up there but Dahlia kept crying so I came down here. I slept on the couch," Vera admits.
"I know it's not fair to you to have to share a room with your little sister. I'll talk to grandma, grandpa and mom and see if there's anything we can do to get you your own room. How does that sound?"
Vera's eyes go round, "For real, daddy? My own room? Can I have a bookcase for all my books?"
"Whoa, whoa, I said I would talk to them about it. We'll see what comes of it. Deal?"
They seal the deal with some early morning video games.
"I'd charm you with a stink be gone charm but I don't remember the incantation."
It's probably for the better that Claude doesn't use his magic on the baby.
Amira finally brings herself to the nursery. Dahlia is laying in her crib quietly contemplating her surroundings. Amira knows she has to do better by her youngest daughter. She cuddles the little girl to her and begs herself to feel motherly.
The house undergoes some construction.
A new room has been added upstairs.
Decorated in Vera's favorite color spiceberry.
Complete with a bookshelf with all of her books.
Amira and Michael show Vera her new room. Amira is very sensitive to Vera's reaction. She needs to be validated.
"Thank you so much, daddy!" Vera bubbles excitedly. "I love it!"
Vera runs and hugs Michael.
"Thank your mom," Michael whispers. "She put in a lot of hard work to make this happen."
Vera turns to her mother and half covers her face in her shoulder.
"Thanks, mom."
Amira can't help but feel a mix of resentment and disappointment. How does she keep messing things up even when she tries to do the right thing?
Dahlia gets a swing in the living room so that she can swing while Michael plays video games or blogs.
Amira makes breakfast for her family but everyone is too busy to eat with her so she eats her waffles alone.
Claude tries to help Michael with the repairs around the house. He can feel his magic becoming powerful once again. It is exhilarating.
Vera makes sure there are no monsters under the bed. There are no monsters under the bed. . . this time!
He could be a plumber instead of a game coder but that would be no fun.
When she is too sore and exhausted to work out, Amira turns to the chemistry set. Engaging her mind in complicated formulas are a great escape.
Varinia provides mood music.
"Do you think my kids hate me? Do you think Michael hates me?"
"Of course not! Why would you think that?"
Amira shrugs to herself.
"It just seems I can't do anything right by my daughters and Michael and I argue more than talk these days."
"Everyone has rough patches," Varinia admits. "I almost lost your father for good before I realized what a fool I had been. If Michael is who you love, then you fight for him. You always fight."
Amira isn't sure that she has much fight left in her these days.
Michael rushes into the laundry room to subdue the washer.
"Didn't you hear it jumping around?" Michael asks huffily.
"Yes," Amira admits.
"Why didn't you do something?"
"I was busy." Amira says as she turns back to the chemistry table.
Varinia packs up her laser rhyth-a-con and shoots Amira a look that goes ignored.
It's Saturday morning and Vera wasn't woken up by a screaming baby.
She decides to enjoy the morning reading Unicorns for Audrey in bed. It's heavenly.
Moira's son Norman makes an ADORABLE toddler!

I feel bad for Amira, it can't be easy trying to balance out her own personal time with family duties :c Something's going to get more attention than the other.
ReplyDeleteVera's so sweet, I really like her ^-^ Also Dahlia in that swing is so cute, the babies have such cute interactions in that
She really hasn't taken to motherhood very well, poor thing.
DeleteVera is great! (Don't tell anyone but she's my favorite!) The baby swing is so cute.
(Flashback time!) Aw. Amira. (/Flashback time.) If she feels like she's not doing it right, it's because she *isn't!* Sad she didn't even take Varinia's very good advice. *sigh. It's really up to her now.
ReplyDelete(Begin Flashback time /again/!) At least the girls have a great dad and wonderful grandparents around to help out. (/FBT. For real this time.)
Claude's magical housekeeping skills are awesome! And I love Vera's room. <3
Amira is just having a hard time with motherhood. Just really not enjoying it and it is affecting everything. She is so grumpy all the time.
DeleteThe girls have great adults around. Amira will get it together I hope.
Claude and his magic are the best. Vera's room was a labor of love.