Saturday, July 16, 2016

Chapter 2.15: Fight the Power!

Amira and Michael arrive back from Shang Simla just in time for Vera's prom night. Vera changes right in the foyer since she's running late. Makes sense.

She sees the limo pull up and sprints for it.

Amira is quick enough to catch Freddie before he can chase after his date.
"I expect you to have her back before curfew. Mind your manners. Be a gentlesim. I know where you live."
Freddie gulps, "Yes, ma'am."

Prom is dumb. Boys are dumb. Teeth. TTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEETTTTTHHHHH.

Jolie continues to resist these human learnings.
"Nnnnnnnnoooooo," she screams.
"Yes," Michael coos. "Use the potty, Jolie. Please?"

Some rude classmates throws punch on cousin Jess and Vera avenges him by getting into a fight. She loses but it's the principle of the matter. Freddie is so impressed at her grit that he steals a kiss and asks her to go steady. Win-win.

This gnome terrorizes Michael's side of the bed. He has gnightmares all night long. One of the most restless nights of sleep he has had in a very long time. Where did this thing even come from?

Dahlia's teacher gave her a free ticket to the weekend Llamas game. She attends in high fashion.

"You're beautiful," Freddie gushes.
"You're blindingly stunning."
First date is to the fall festival but they could be anywhere at all and it wouldn't matter.

They share a passionate kiss.
Freddie smiles nervously, "Gotta be careful your mom doesn't see us."
"First off, my mom is probably working. Second off, my mom doesn't care what I do."
"Not true," Freddie counters.
Vera narrows her eyes, "Did she say something to you?"
"Just that she knows where I live and I should be a gentlesim."
Vera scoffs, "Please, she'd never do anything."

The peg box is more Jolie's speed. Logic is beautiful.

Vera's been out all day and Jolie is too busy being a baby. Dahlia is lonely so she throws a tea party for Jelly Bean and herself. High fashion always.

"Mommy is a thief. Thief."
So much resistance from this one.

Vera is aiming for valedictorian. She reads all the books she can get her hands on.

Jolie resists baths too. All she wants is peg box and sleep.

"Why does she always cry?" Dahlia whines. "You were supposed to read to me and instead you're in here with a screaming baby. It's no fun!"
Dahlia storms off before Michael can get in a word.

Jelly Bean knows her heart. Jelly Bean is her only friend.

Vera has her boyfriend over for a game of chess. There is no way her parents can object to a game of chess.

They share a kiss because it feels so good. Fight the power!

Claude is supposed to be supervising this date.

Amira practices her Sim Fu. It does wonders for her anger issues.

Kitchen floor homework help.
"This is so complicated," Amira muses. "How is the box thing supposed to work."
"It's lattice multiplication. It's not that hard," Dahlia explains. "Are you helping me or am I helping you?"
"Watch it, missy!"
"Sorry, mom."

"Mom, I don't really need your help."
Amira shushes Vera, "Explain this lattice thingy."

Amira does not approve of strange ghosts in her home.
"You! You there! Who are you? I don't know you."
The ghost floats on.

"I am super tired of this common core thing. I can't even help my daughters with their homework."
"Don't even try. It's madness," Claude says around a mouthful of pancakes.
"There's some tutorials I found online," Michael chimes in. "I still haven't been able to figure it out though."
"What do I do then?" Amira asks earnestly. "How can I show them I care?"
Michael and Claude both put down their forks.
"Helping them with homework isn't the only way to show you care. Just be there for them.," Claude concludes.
Michael agrees, "Talk to them, spend time with them. Don't threaten Vera's boyfriend. Stuff like that."

Amira stands around while her daughters have breakfast.
"I'm going to be a fashion scientist," Dahlia says.
"There's no such thing," Vera announces.
"There could be," Amira chimes in.

Too much crying, baby.

Varinia and Claude play a symphony. The crowd loves it. Varinia enjoys seeing their names on the marquee.

Dahlia screams, "Gggguuuuyyyyyyssssss, It's happening!"

"Where is everyone?"

Varinia rushes into the room to find a bizarre looking, taller version of her granddaughter.

"You're a teenager. How do you feel?"

A haircut is in order.

Amira comes home sweaty and reeking but she's a cat burglar now. Moving right up the chain of command.

Varinia is continuously plagued by these freakish looking dolls.
"What kind of alien are you anyway?" she wonders out loud. "I do not recognize your kind."

There's always a pile up at the school. Cousin Norman is now a teen too.

There's a formal dance happening soon. The girls wait outside after school to try to get dates. Dahlia has just become a teenager so she doesn't even know any other boys her age that aren't her cousins.

Steven Prudence approaches her after school.
"You're new?"
"Yeah, my birthday was last night. I'm Vera's little sister."
"You're my uncle Morgan's niece."
"We're not related though," Dahlia adds hopefully.
"True. Call me sometime."

Always crying this one.

Vera rescues Jolie from her crib and reads her Finger Painting 101.

Michael supervises while watching cat videos on his phone. These videos are hilarious.

Just a little filler chapter to watch the girls growing up. Amira is steadily advancing in her career and Michael has started to boost his meter again too.

Steven's mother and Selma's husband are half siblings. So Steven and Dahlia are absolutely not related.


  1. Don't listen to the men Amira! Threatening the boyfriend is totally a way to show you care! It tells her you're watching. *nods. At least that's my justification. lol.

    Wow. lol. Poor Michael with Jolie. That is one stubborn toddler. Ha!

    There absolutely should be a fashion science career. That would be awesome. Dahlia plays the typical middle child with such aplomb too.

    I loved Varinia's line about not recognizing Jolie's kind. xD

    1. Amira's all, I WILL BEAT YOU TO A PULP. Her husband and her father think that's a little too much aggression for the poor boy. She is doing much better at keeping after her daughters.

      Jolie is the most stubborn toddler I have ever had. All she ever wants to do is play with the logic blocks.

      Dahlia has given up on waiting around for other people to do things with her. She just does her own thing.

      The alien's in this game are so hard to figure out. I haven't had a lot of experience with them and I imagine they are just very secretive and isolated.

  2. "Talk to them, spend time with them. Don't threaten Vera's boyfriend. Stuff like that."

    Haha! That was great!

    It's good to see Amira making an effort with her family now. I wonder if Dahlia will be the heir - she's super cute, I like her :)

    1. Amira had a rough time in the beginning. You'd think she hates children but she really doesn't. She's just very focused on her own needs.

      I love Dahlia. She has really grown on me.
