Sunday, December 3, 2017

Chapter 3.3: Because You're Mine

Moira, Norman, and Jess go out for a drink after graduation. Maeve's recent departure has them all rattled. The inevitability of death hangs heavy in the air.

 As if Grim Reaper can hear their thoughts, Moira ages to elder and takes one step closer to the great unknown.

"Auntie, you didn't say it was your birthday!" Norman exclaims.
"With everything going on I'd forgotten," Moira admits. "I wonder how Amira is holding up."

Amira is right there with her sister. She's in her bedroom mid conversation with Michael when her birthday pounces on her.

Though she did not come out as stylish as her twin.

Parent/Teacher conferences are the bane of every teacher's existence. Vera's been dreading this one the most.

"She's a distraction to her classmates. She has been destructive and unfocused. It's not like her."
"But Michele is a good student. She's a great kid!" says Jude.
"Of course she is, I didn't mean to imply that she wasn't a good child or a good student. It's just that, lately, she's been very angry and withdrawn. It's been a problem in class and her grades are suffering."
Jude sighs and drags a hand across his face, "Her mother left us recently. It's been hard on her. Honestly, it's taking a huge toll, I've noticed it at home too. I don't really know what to do."
"Mr. Hubbard, I'll work closely with Michele to help her get caught up with school. Perhaps together we can help pull her out of this."

"Ms. Van Hofwegen, please call me Jude."
Vera tries not to blush furiously at the handsome father but something about the way he looks at her makes her stomach tighten and her face flush.
"Alright, Jude. I think we have a solid plan for Michele going forward," she says. "My first name is Vera," she adds shyly.
"Vera," he says with a sly smile and a wink. "I hope to meet with you again soon."

"Oh, Maeve," Varinia sobs.
She's alone in the kitchen and her ever growing grief is unbearable. How is she supposed to keep going?

Claude takes to his easel. He cranks out portrait after portrait of Amira to help him cope. Michael buries himself in chess. Everyone is drawing into themselves. It feels like there's no reason to reach out and have contact anymore. It's all going to come to an end anyway.

"Ready for tutoring?"
"Whatever," Michele says. "I don't even want to be here."
Her attitude coats every word.
"Well, you don't have to be here but I think your father would be very disappointed if you gave up on school. I know I would be very sad."
"What do you care?"
"Of course I care. I want to see you succeed, Michele. I wouldn't be a teacher if I didn't care about my students."
The little girl gives a sigh and rolls her eyes.
"What do I have to do?"
"Why don't we do some math?"

Michael doesn't get left behind in the aging game. It's hard to be joyous seeing as this is just another reminder that they are all going to die one day. He smiles though. It's been a good life, he thinks.

Jolie does the opposite of everyone else. She reaches out. Specifically, she reaches out to Rickey Aquino. They are in several classes together and she has seen him watching her. Honestly, she's been watching him too.
"Thanks for having me over," he says as a faint blush crawls across his cheeks. "I've been wanting to hang out for a while."
Jolie smirks, "I know."

"I've had a crush on you for half the year," she admits. "I figured I should speak up now before it's too late."
Jolie picks at one of her fingernails and shuffles her feet. It's her turn to feel awkward and embarrassed but she plows ahead.
"I was kind of hoping you felt the same way," she finishes.
"I would think it was obvious," he chuckles. "I only spend the entire day staring at you across the room. I'd like to go steady."

"You read my mind."

They seal it with a kiss and then Rickey takes off for home before he gets caught out past curfew.

"I'm going steady with Rickey Aquino," Jolie blurts out over breakfast.
"Oh? I don't think I know him," Varinia says.
"Does your dad know?" Claude asks.
Amira clears her throat, "We should have him over for dinner soon. Give us all a chance to meet this young man."
Jolie nods, "Soon, yeah."

Vera is trying to capture some butterflies to bring in to her science class. They're not the easiest things to catch. A net would certainly have come in handy.

"Ms. Van Hofwegen? Vera!"

Vera spins around startled.

"I'm glad I caught you!"
"Jude, how are you?"
"I wanted to talk to you about Michele's science project."
"Oh? She's moving on to high school, I'm not sure I'd be able to help you."
"I know," Jude pauses, "Who am I kidding? I just wanted an excuse to talk to you and to thank you for helping Michele. She's doing great."
Vera grins, "I'm so happy to hear that. She's a great kid."

Jude bends forward and wraps both arms around her. She's surprised but leans in to him anyway.

"You're amazing," Jude blurts out. "I haven't stopped thinking about you since that first conference."

Vera feels her skin warming and a blush spreading across her face.

"This is unexpected," she whispers. "Though I've thought about you too."
"Can I take you out? Maybe we can go steady?" he chuckles nervously.

Vera pulls away, "I don't know if that would be a good idea. You're a school parent and I'm a teacher."
"But, you're not my daughter's teacher. There's no rules against it. I asked the school."
Vera bites her lip, "You asked the school? That's so embarrassing!"
"I wasn't specific but I did ask. What do you say?"

"Don't break my heart," she says before tentatively kissing him.

"A parent shouldn't outlive their children," Varinia sobs. "I never thought living this long would be such a curse."
"But we wouldn't have been able to meet many of our grandchildren or great-grandchildren," Claude points out. "Heck, we may not have lived long enough to watch Amira and Moira get married."
"It's been too long, Claude. Maeve is gone."
Claude sighs, "I know," he says solemnly.


  1. Well damn Rickey's all business about things. Love the blush remark, he's not as collected as he's like to appear? I don't know if it's weird that he was able to be so direct or not? xD
    An adult man asking to 'go steady' D'awww...! That's really cute. And she asked the school! They're so innocent!

    1. Rickey immediately took to flirting with Jolie. He didn't even make it inside the house before going for it but then he stopped suddenly and I thought it was cute because it seemed like he had gotten shy. So cute!
      Neither Vera nor Jude have had very good luck with love so they are both very tentative.
