She rummages through her sack and finds some clothes that are more suitable. The pants are a bit small but they're perfect for all the tall grass and water around her home.She feels confident that she will fit in on her first day of work.
Satisfied with her recent changes, Varinia gets comfortable and heads to bed.
She spends her night anticipating her first day of work. She can't wait to start sharing her compositions with the world. She has so many ideas for new works!
The next morning Varinia takes care of some laundry since the few clothes she does have are running out. Her washing machine is ancient and rusty but it works well enough.
DeAndre shows up on her doorstep with flowers before her first shift. Varinia is pleasantly surprised by both his visit and his gift. She feels like her life is starting to fall into place.
"You're going to do great, babydoll," DeAndre says.
DeAndre wishes her well as she heads off to work. Varinia can't quite calm the butterflies in her stomach but the excitement fuels her drive to ace her first day.
Since she doesn't have her own car she's forced to carpool with a coworker. She tries to start up a conversation but he just stares at the road and drives on in silence. Some of the people in this town are very strange and somewhat rude.
The first day jitters end just as she enters the theater. She works hard all evening, screaming her lungs out to the music of the band and cheering on the other fans. She hates being surrounded by all these people but she's soon lost in the music.
Varinia is thrilled to get her first paycheck and promptly pays her modest bills. She can't believe she's making money doing something she kind of enjoys. Sometime in the near future she hopes she'll be making money doing what she loves, composing.
She walks back into her house to find that DeAndre is still there waiting for her.
"I was just sending you a text," he says. "How was your first day, babydoll?"
Varinia is a bit weirded out that DeAndre is still there but he's so nice she tries not to let it get to her.
"It went well. I think they really liked me."
"You're going to be a composer before you know it. I think there's a promotion in your future."
Varinia blushes, her face turning a furious red.
"Thanks, DeAndre."
DeAndre hugs her to him and caresses her short hair.
"You look beautiful," he whispers.
"Thank you," she answers shakily. "You've been very kind."
"It's impossible not to be kind to a wonderful woman like you."
Varinia is surprised when DeAndre leans in for a kiss. She can't ignore the way her heart beats faster at his touch.
Before she can stop herself she finds herself spiraling out of control and into the shower with DeAndre. All these sensations are so new that Varinia doesn't want it to end.
When it's all over, Varinia is exhausted but giddy. She walks with a spring in her step as she readies herself for bed and another exciting work day ahead.
Despite her excitement and enthusiasm in regards to DeAndre's affections, Varinia finds herself plagued with nightmares about the possible implications of her actions.
Will DeAndre want to get married? Varinia has no intentions of getting married any time soon, or possibly ever. She's sure of that.
Will DeAndre think she's in love? Will he want to start a family with her? These are all questions that weigh heavily on her mind.
She does not want to get engaged or fall in love or move in with DeAndre. By the time the night is over the only thing Varinia is sure of is that she just wants to be friends. How is she going to break this news?
Varinia spends the morning grilling. Hot dogs are her favorite meal and preparing them helps calm her nerves. She has to talk with DeAndre as soon as he wakes up. Her nerves get the best of her and she drops one on the floor. She quickly scoops it back up and puts it back on the grill. Five second rule, right?
When she hears DeAndre moving around she gathers the hot dogs and heads inside to talk.
DeAndre stands in the corner of the kitchen when he sees Varinia's serious face.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
"We should talk before I have to head to work."
"Sure, babydoll."
"Please, don't call me that. I. . .this isn't the type of relationship I was looking for," she says quickly.
DeAndre smirks. "Were you looking for a ring because we're just getting to know each other."
"No, DeAndre," she sighs, "Can we just be friends? This got very complicated very quickly and I'm just not ready for that."
Varinia can tell that DeAndre is hurt but she sticks to her conviction as her stomach does somersaults. She feels like she's going to be sick.
DeAndre scowls.
"Fine," he bites out.
He grabs his stuff and storms out. Varinia gives a sigh of relief and just hopes that she and DeAndre can remain friends.
The only thing that makes her feel better is going to work. She knows that one day her name will be on the marquee in the brightest lights anyone has ever seen.

Her day ends worse than it began. While talking to coworkers she discovers that she's only one in a long list of women that DeAndre has been carrying on relationships with. Not only that but he's already engaged! DeAndre has been engaged to a Ms. Gala Ball. It takes all the strength Varinia has to not storm down and expose DeAndre for the slimeball he really is.
DeAndre Wolf
Easily Impressed
oh noes! hes engages.. and her poor hair!!!!!!!! ok I liked the other better but this looks fine, and that jerk! omg take that man for everything he owns for child support!!!
ReplyDeleteShe'll get her hair back eventually, I promise!
DeleteDeAndre was such a jerk! All he did was flirt flirt flirt and then I got a popup the next day saying he was engaged. I couldn't believe it! I usually let my sims get child support but I turned it off for this challenge because it seemed cheaty.
no i mean flirt your way to marriage steal half his stuff then dump him lol, but that would be cheaty as well :P
Deleteprobaby is cheaty to have ls cause it's free money
are you going to have her tell him?
Ahahaha She won't move him in or marry him even though he's rich! He's bad karma.
DeleteAh, I had a feeling an 'accident' would happen ;) Hopefully she'll be able to cope on her own with a baby.
ReplyDeleteI'm assuming that her roll is single? That can be a pain roll when it comes to love and babies and writing all that jazz.
Yeah, she rolled single but it's working out well. :D
DeleteShe's hilarious! That hair, is so bold and I doubt she's going to blend in with it. And is it just that DeAndre is the only social sim in town that everyone gets to know him first there? He's always playing for tips, makes one wonder how many people have started their stories with him. I think he's always one of the first sims in Twinbrook my sims get to know (That and Sofia Carlton for some reason). They either stand out a lot or are highly social.
ReplyDeleteStill, a really cute will probably come out of this!
I think it’s because he’s always out in town playing his guitar. He’s such an interesting sim and a real charmer too! Varinia draws into herself a bit after meeting DeAndre so I never ventured out to meet very many other sims in town.
DeleteTheir baby is so flipping adorable!