On the other hand, she knows for certain that she is not ready for marriage. Besides, who would she marry? DeAndre may be the father of her child but he's definitely not husband material. Varinia grapples with the knowledge that DeAndre's fiance is oblivious to his philandering.
Despite being willing and capable to work, her bosses put her on maternity leave as soon as her pregnancy is obvious. They give her some books to read while on leave. Getting Noticed in a Sea of Fans is very informative and Varinia is sure she'll get a promotion just as soon as she's allowed to return to work.
Varinia feels the need to clear her conscious so she goes in search of DeAndre. She finds him at the park enjoying an engagement party with his fiance. She beckons him aside and he slips away from his friends.
"What is it?" he asks. "I've got a pitcher of mojitos with my name on them."
Varinia tries not to roll her eyes as she sighs.
"Just thought you should know I'm pregnant."
"Congratualtions," he says.
It almost sounds like he means it.
"Listen, this isn't want I wanted. I'm about to get married and I'm on the verge of hitting it big in the music industry. I'm not ready to be someone's father."
Varinia nods, "I'm happy to hear that things are going well for you. Don't worry about this child, he or she will be solely my responsibility. I'd prefer it that way. I just thought you should know."
DeAndre looks pleased with the arrangement that Varinia is more than happy to offer.
"Thank you," DeAndre says as he turns back to his gathering. "Good luck with everything."
Varinia spends the next couple of days working on her music. The laser rhythm-a-con doesn't help her take her mind off of things but the music does help her keep calm.
She writes a few lullabies on the guitar while awaiting the birth of her first child.
As the summer comes to a close, Varinia finds herself waddling and barely able to keep up with her chores. She spends her days, eating, peeing and sleeping. That's pretty much it. DeAndre hasn't so much as visited or called, though he continues to send her party invitations that he knows she will decline. Varinia thinks it's best that way.
She wakes up in the middle of the night to find herself in a very progressed labor. She calls a cab to take her to the hospital but everything happens too quickly.
Maeve Van Hofwegen is born at 4:11 am.
Varinia can hardly believe she's a mother. She cuddles the child to her and vows to be everything the little girl will ever need.
Varinia has just given birth but she cannot afford to take another day off. She washes her work clothes and calls her bosses to let them know she is ready to return. They are surprised that she wants to return so quickly but her dedication is admirable. Little do they know that Varinia's funds are dwindling and that is the real reason she has requested to return early.
Varinia gets in a few more hours of practice before work as Maeve rests peacefully in her newly purchased crib.
Varinia feeds Maeve a bottle before she has to take off to work for the evening.
Maeve shares her crib with Cuddles, a doll sent to her by some great-aunt or something. Varinia thinks the note is rubbish and she's pretty sure the doll is a gift from DeAndre.
Varinia hires Abel Bodey as a babysitter. He lives in one of the neighboring houses and spends his days collecting scrap to make ends meet. Varinia feels that deep down he's a good kid and she gives him the opportunity to prove himself.
Abel is like the baby whisperer, he knows exactly what Maeve needs even before the little girl has a chance to cry.
Varinia meets Claude Fonseca at work on her first day back. She finds herself staring at him throughout her shift. He has dark green skin and pink hair with blue and green highlights. He reminds her of the sims back home. He stops her before she has a chance to head home and asks her out for a meal.
"I'm not interested in dating or finding love right now," Varinia says.
Claude smirks.
"I was just wondering if you wanted a meal. I'm not asking you to marry me or anything."
"Not that there's anything wrong with marriage. I feel like marriage is a very long way off for me, though. In any case, it just looked like you needed a friend."
Varinia smiles sadly. He has no idea how badly she's needed a friend.
Instead of getting a late dinner, the two of them spend several hours chatting outside the theater. Claude reveals that he's not originally from Twinbrook but had arrived in town with a band of friends from a distant land. His story sounds so similar to her own except she arrived alone. She hasn't allowed herself to miss her family or friends until now. She would much rather spend her time alone but even loners need family and friends sometimes.
Varinia tells Claude all about DeAndre and about Maeve who's waiting on her to return. Claude hugs her before she departs. Varinia feels a warmth spread throughout her as they say their goodbyes.

After getting home extra late, Varinia finds that she's short on patience when Maeve wakes her by screaming her lungs out.
Varinia feels terrible when she realizes that she's just yelled at her infant daughter. She cuddles the baby to her and reassures Maeve that she didn't mean it.
Varinia is just about to set Maeve back down into her bed when she notices something disconcerting.
Cuddles has somehow ended up on the floor of the kitchen despite the fact that Varinia is very sure the doll had just been in Maeve's crib.
Varinia thinks the lack of sleep must be getting to her. Abel must have left the doll there and she didn't notice when she returned home. That is the only logical explanation. She places the doll back in Maeve's crib and heads back to bed.
Abel returns the following day, right on schedule. Varinia can't believe how lucky she is to have found Abel.
Maeve loves her babysitter.
Since Abel is willing to stay late, Varinia takes the opportunity to jam after work. She's trying to get her name out there. The more sims that know about her the better chance of advancing. Her recent promotion to Roadie has filled her with hope.
After a few seconds Varinia opens her eyes to find Claude jamming with her. She grins. having a friend is great!
Sunday brings a day off and Maeve's birthday. Varinia calls DeAndre just to let him know it's Maeve's birthday.
"Yeah, I know," he says and hangs up.
Varinia's heart breaks for her daughter. It's not right for a child not to have both parents around. She wonders if pushing DeAndre away was the best thing for her child. She's starting to think it wasn't.
Varinia calls Claude and expresses her fears.
"I'll be over in a little while."
"When you're a world famous composer you won't think twice about that jerk," he says. "You are more than enough for Maeve."
Varinia hopes he's right but she finds little comfort in his words.
"Let me tell you something," he says, "my father was a warlock and he left my mother to pursue advancing his powers. My mother raised me on her own and she was absolutely amazing. She taught me about my powers even though she wasn't a witch. She read hundreds of books just so that she could teach me to be myself without shame. You are a strong, wonderful, amazing woman, Varinia. I have no doubt that you will do right by Maeve like my mother did right by me."
"You don't know how much that means to me," she says.
She grins from ear to ear.
"I'm not exactly what I seem," she says nervously. "I'm part alien and I've traveled through time to come here. I don't know if I'm doing the best thing for my child because I don't know what the best thing is but I sure am trying."
"That's all anyone can ask."
Varinia excuses herself to use the restroom and Claude entertains Maeve so that her mother can enjoy a quick and quiet shower.
Maeve is a very sweet baby. Claude finds it hard to put her down.
Claude surprises Varinia with a bouquet of pink roses.
"I've never known another woman besides my mother that is as amazing as you are."
Varinia is touched. She wipes a few tears from her eyes as she takes the flowers.
"Thank you so much, Claude. YOU are amazing."
They share an emotional hug as Varinia regains her composure. How is she so lucky to have a sim like Claude in her life?
Finally, it's time to celebrate Maeve's birthday. As expected DeAndre doesn't show up but Claude is there and that's more than Varinia had expected.
Claude gets into the festivities. Every child deserves a great birthday!
Varinia tries to play some lullabies to ease Maeve's transition but the cake is so delicious she can't pull herself away.
"Would you like to stay the night?" Varinia asks anxiously, "For Maeve's sake. She could use a father figure."
"Of course," Claude agrees, "for Maeve."
Claude helps tire Maeve out so that he and Varinia can actually get some sleep.
Soon Maeve is thoroughly exhausted.
Claude puts her to bed while Varinia learns a new guitar composition.
Varinia pats the space next to her in bed. Claude lies down next to her and looks at her nervously.
"I can sleep in one of your armchairs if that makes you more comfortable."
"Don't be silly," Varinia says through a smirk.
"I don't think I'll ever find true love," Varinia admits, "but at least I have a friend like you."
They both sleep soundly that night.
Maeve Van Hofwegen
Claude Fonseca
Party Animal
Hates the Outdoors
Commitment Issues
Sorry for the super long update, I just couldn't find a good place to end it. I apologize!
this was cute has she founf the last one? or will she break another heart? dun dun dun!!!!!
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't mean to break hearts. I think Claude will be around for the long haul. :D
DeleteThe baby whisperer! Great luck getting a good baby sitter!
ReplyDeleteCuddles... burn it. Burn it to the ground! Those dolls are so creepy. Did you know the game chance to have one is 75%!? Who needs that many ofthese darned things, and why can't they be linked to an opportunity or Lifetime Reward!! Ugh there must be (yet another) mod I can download.
Claude is cute for some reason. Weird as hell looking, but cute. ;3 His backstory escalated quickly! Also, I've decided that he is the original Swamp Thing. Because Twinbrook, and he's green. Love love this hair though.
Also, now I really want a pitcher of mojitos, and that was a brilliant take on that speechbubble! Ahh... it makes me happy to read something interpretive like this, love seeing your take on the conversations etc. Glad to be catching up (and thank you for all your comments on the Sparrows too, I truly enjoy them).
Abel has probably been one of the only good babysitters I have ever had in game. Usually the baby wails away on the floor or in the crib and the babysitter watches TV all day. -.-
DeleteWeirdly, I haven't had that many IF in this legacy. That does seem like an insane percentage for IF. Usually I just put the dolls in the family inventory until the kid becomes a teen. LOL. I may allow an IF way later down the road in this legacy because I always think they are super cute when they turn real but they are so buggy I'm not sure if it is worth risking my save file.
Claude is so adorable. I love him to bits, which is the only reason I let him stay. He's just so precious.
Mojitos are my favorite. So yummy!
I'm so happy you're catching up. I am loving the Sparrows so much. Meghan and Dustin are so cute together. Can't wait to see where they go!