Sunday, July 3, 2016

Chapter 2.11: I Don't Know

It's not easy to beat your genius daughter at chess. Michael is very aware of this fact.

This is more his speed. Interacting with the child that knows less than he does.

Concerned about her lack of friends, Vera's teacher tasks her with befriending Alex Pincher-Peddler. He is the son of Carina Pincher-Peddler a childhood friend of Vera's aunt Leila. They do not have much in common at all but when Vera brings up comic books Alex shows interest.

Dahlia's toddler days pass in a flash. Michael can't believe that his youngest daughter is growing up so quickly. Amira misses her birthday too busy with her career to take a night off.

Dahlia can't even open drawers without tripping over her own feet. She feels a need to express herself through her clothing and her current ensemble is not doing a very good job at that.

Much better.

Michael is startled when he hears sirens rushing past the shipping warehouse. When he realizes that it is a fire engine and not a police car he feels a little better. He hates how much time Amira spends at the warehouse. Anything could happen to her. ANYTHING.

Moira's son Alonzo becomes a toddler on the same night Dahlia becomes a child.

Little Norman is a child now too. They are all growing up so quickly.

Jermey, Selma's second son is a child now too. He is less than thrilled that his mother dragged him to the school to sign up for elementary school.

With another child on the way, Selma is anxious to have both her boys enrolled in school. Michael wastes no time enrolling Dahlia as well.

Varinia provides mood music for this intense chess match.

"I'm going to the same school as you on Monday. Do you think we'll be in the same class?"
Vera scoffs, "I'm in advanced placement, Dahlia. You'll be in the regular classes."

Amira is thrilled with being a bagwoman. She feels like her next promotion is just around the corner. She is as strong as she has ever been and that makes her boss very happy.

Michael tries to text Amira to find out where she is. She should have been home by now. He makes sure the girls get to bed and tries not to let his anxiety show.

There are no mentions of any mishaps or arrests involving Amira so Michael tries to remain calm. He didn't think he'd have such a hard time with her job but she is advancing through the ranks quickly and with promotions come more risks. How would he explain it to the girls if something happened to Amira? He can't bear the thought.

Amira does some late night gardening after her exhausting and exhilarating night at work. She pays no mind when her phone chirps annoyingly in her pocket.

Michael finally finds Amira in the kitchen at an ungodly hour.
"Where have you been?" he asks.
Amira recoils.
"Since when do I have to check in with you?"
"Ever since you decided it was a brilliant idea to be an integral part in heists. I've been worried sick all night. I thought you'd been arrested. . . or worse."
Amira refuses to recognize that Michael's fears are legitimate. She lets her anger get the better of her.
"I can take care of myself. I don't need you staying up worrying about me like I'm some hapless teen! I am out there working my fingers to the bone, getting promoted, trying to make it to the top. What are you doing with your life? Reading comics and playing video games, that's what! You haven't had a promotion since Vera was a toddler. You've become soft, Michael or should I call you Mr. Mom?"

Her words cut deep. Michael fought so hard for his career and he loves it but he has been letting his work slip and spending more time at home. With both girls going to school he had planned to work harder and dedicate more time to his career.
"Mr. Mom?" Michael asks shakily. "I guess someone had to fill that role for our girls. I'm glad I could. Goodnight."

He stalks out of the kitchen while trying to hold back a sob that threatens to escape. Amira is left wondering if maybe Michael is right. Has she been taking his sacrifices for granted?

Amira spends the night tossing and turning in her childhood bed in the laundry room. She can't bear to share the same bed with Michael. Her anger is still too raw and his words feel like razor blades in her heart.

When he takes off to work she works herself into a frenzy. She spends six hours working out on the pull up bar. Her arms feel like hundred pound weights.

Monday comes around. Michael wants to take the girls to school but they insist on riding brooms. Claude watches proudly from the doorway as they zoom off.

No school bus necessary.

Amira is asleep in their bed so Michael uses some free time to learn a new skill. His job is increasingly becoming more technical and he could use more knowledge in logic. He also feels that if he can master these potions he can show Amira that he is just as smart and useful as she is.

Vera and Dahlia head over to Aunt Selma's house to spend some time with Jess and Jermey. They also want to meet their baby cousin Ephraim.

Jermey and Dahlia chat about comic books. They're almost the same age and are in the same class in school.

Vera and Jess play tag. He has a serious case of cranky face but is relatively nice.

"It's so hot!" Vera complains.
Jess ignores her and starts hunting for a soccer ball.
"Lets play soccer. I'm joining the team this year."
"Ok," Vera agrees.

Jermey and Dahlia play tag inside the house until Selma kicks them out.
"You're going to wake the baby," Selma points out. "Go play outside with Jess and Vera.

There's a trampoline in the yard but Dahlia isn't interested she just wants to play tag. Plus, if she got on the trampoline she's probably fall and break her leg.

"Let's see what you've got soccer star," Vera taunts.

Cranky face.

Vera has skills she didn't realize she had.

Jess is upset when he can't score a goal.
"You're cheating," he whines.
"Why would I cheat?" Vera asks.
"To prove you're better than me like you do with everything else."
Vera's expression sobers.
"I wasn't cheating, Jess."
Vera puts the ball down and leaves without another word. Dahlia has to jog to catch up to her.

After a disappointing end to the day they have chocolate muffins for dinner with Michael.
"What's wrong?" Michael asks.
Vera sighs, "Jess was a jerk to me today just because he couldn't score a goal. It's not my fault I have good hand-eye coordination."
"He was pretty mean," Dahlia agrees.
"I'm sure he'll apologize tomorrow. Sometimes people feel threatened when other people can do things better than they can."
"Like you and mom?" Dahlia asks.
Michael chokes on his muffin.
"Mom is mad because you're a better parent." Dahlia says, completely unfazed.
Vera chews on the inside of her cheek waiting for Michael to answer.
"It's not like that. Sometimes people just stop getting along," Michael stammers.

The girls sit in silence for several minutes.
"Are you getting a divorce?" Vera finally asks.

Michael stares at his girls and has no idea what to say.
Finally, he says, "I don't know."

Dahlia Van Hofwegen
Loves the Heat


  1. I *Love* Dahlia's outfit. Seriously.

    And I love how Varinia is giving the girls side eye while she plays her chess mood music. lol

    *sigh. Michel and Amira need to sit down and have a conversation. :/ Hopefully soon. The kids have even picked up something is wrong. That's never good.

    1. Dahlia is a little fashion maven in her own right!

      Varinia has a habit of side eyeing ALL of the time. It is hilarious.

      Poor Michael. Poor, poor Michael.
