Thursday, December 11, 2014

Chapter 1.17: The Leila Show

"I'm. . . sorry?" Selma isn't so sure that she is but if it means her mom will stop yelling at her then, sure, she's sorry.
Varinia has already moved on to other concerns.
This place is really a dump.

"IIIIIIIIIII wish I were an Oscar Myer wiener, that is what I'd really like to be-eee-eeee!"

"You sing terrible songs, I paint evil zebra in return. Tit for tat, sister."

"Maybe with a flick and strike? Ugh, magic is so complicated and these hotdogs aren't going to unburn themselves."
"Just. . . stop." Moira says from the easel.

With the cooking failure still heavy in her heart, Amira turns to Zumba to keep her mind off of things.

"We should at least move in together." Claude pleads. "Roman is a man now and he's moving in with his fiance to start a family. I want to spend the rest of my life with my family, you and the girls. A part of this family instead of just living apart and being alone."
Varinia only takes a moment to reply.
"Not yet, Claude. I still need to get my affairs in order but I promise, you will have a home with us soon."
Varinia only hopes that is enough to tide Claude over for a few more weeks while she finishes her preparations.

Off to work so that her mother won't scold her again.

"A cannot equal C. A is apples and C is cantaloupes. It's hardly the same thing."
"Leila, that. . . nope that is just not what they are talking about."
It's no wonder Leila is almost failing.

"School makes me feel breezy in the head. Know what I mean?"

Moira makes a very cute teen. She has her father's eye color.

While Amira has her mother's eye color. They may be twins but they are NOT identical.

Everyone goes to meet Selma after work. The grocery store is the place to be. Even Marques Jones-Goode seems to be waiting for Selma. They're co-workers so she's not sure why he didn't just talk to her inside.

Oh, he was hoping to run into her sisters.

"I can do that too," Amira says.
"I'd hope so or else you'd be a terrible witch."

"Mine is so much shinier though. Shinier and better."
Always with the rivalry.

"Hi. How's being bald working for you?" Leila asks shyly.
She really knows how to hit it off with people.

"My lack of hair is fabulous! All the ladies at the spa think so. Hmmph."

"You're a ghost with cucumber eyes!"

Marques has no reply to that.

"These darn kids and their red skin and pink hair. Arrrggghh!"
Rotter at his finest.

"We haven't had enough time, Claude."

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