Monday, November 17, 2014

Chapter 1.11: The Nerve!

It's Spooky Day! From left to right: Amira as a thief *cough*, Leila as a hockey mask wearer, Maeve in an alien mask, Moira as a clown and Selma refusing to change into her costume or face the camera. Very stubborn that one.

Close ups because these kids are adorable!

Finally she changed into her diver outfit! This is what spooky day is really about, fear at its core. That water is so close!

The night ends with some star gazing.
"You know, this makes me very happy."
"I know," Israel says. "It makes me very happy too."
"One day, we'll both be making a difference here."

Until Leila lights the grill on fire. Usually that would be ok but she's insane and she literally lights the entire grill on fire.
"HELP." Leila coughs. "It's coming for us!"

Meanwhile, Maeve takes a few minutes to finish off the potion she was working on,
"What the heck does this thing do?"

"Let me do it," Maeve says.

All the while, the adults are oblivious to the porch hijinks.

"I love listening to you play."
Claude is ever the flatterer.

Swish and flick.

Leila goes over to her friend, Sommer Sargeant's house. Sommer lives with her boyfriend, Jared Jones-Goode's family since both her parents are dead.

"Homework is hard."

Selma, Amira and Moira all stop and do their homework immediately after exiting the school building.

"What did you get for #3? I don't think WOOF is the right answer."
Leila is utterly hopeless and confused.

"I hate school. LAND HO!"


They have the playground to themselves since everyone has already gone home.

Maeve gets a promotion at the bookstore. She'll be sad to leave when she grows up but she's ready to make her mark on the world.

"There are people coming out of the walls. THE WALLS!" Leila shrieks.

She escapes outside and tags the Jones-Goode's driveway.
"That'll teach them to hide people in the walls! The nerve of these people."


It's hard not to stand around and listen when Varinia plays.

"Would you like to go on a date?" Shark Racket asks.
"What? I'm practically a married woman with 5 children!"
"But you're not married."
"I might as well be!"
"So is that a no?"
The nerve of some people.


  1. I've never had sims randomly call my sims asking for dates... (apart from one incident which kinda creeped me out)

    The kids are cute :3 Who's heir then? Since they're all getting older, I think the choice should be made soon.
    I do happen to think it's Leila though, and where did you get her hair from? I like it.

    1. My sims get asked out to dates all of the time and they are constantly getting gifts in the mail from people they barely know. It annoys me when I get calls for dates from sims I know are in a relationship and when sims that are in a relationship get calls. WTF only single people should be making calls and those calls should only be to other single sims!

      I rolled #4 for heir so it'll be one of the twins. Leila's hair is from the store I think though I couldn't find it when I looked.

  2. Oh my god, the constant calls for dates and the gift-giving/letter-writing drives me nuts! Especially when I know for a fact the sim calling/writing love letters is supposed to be happily married with children... The programming for that feature is seriously messed up IMO.

    ...Still, sometimes they do give some nice paintings and plants for decoration.

    1. I constantly get calls/gifts from the spouses of my spares. Oops?!

  3. 'When a fire at your swampy house porch is a hijink.'

    Leila's reason for tagging makes complete sense of course.

    And who the heck names their kid Shark!?

    Also, Leila's really pretty. But so so green.

    1. It's barely a hijink in this house with 6 sims basically living on top of each other. It was such a tiny fire too.

      Leila Logic is occasionally sound logic.

      Shark is a bizarre name. I cannot answer that question.

      Leila is very pretty and very green but not as green as Selma or Claude. I'm silently wondering if this skintone will work its way back into the family.
