Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Chapter 1.13: Don't Leave Me, Girl

Selma gets put in time out because all the pranks are getting out of control.

"I didn't know you could play the violin."
"I just learned."
"What do you mean you 'just learned'?"
"I bought a violin and I taught myself how to play."
"Just like that?"
"Yeah. How did you learn guitar?" Varinia asks quizzically.
"I read a lot of books and took a lot of lessons."
"Are you a genius and you just didn't tell me?" Claude asks.
"No, I just understand music. I always have."

Maeve works on a final chemistry project before she leaves her childhood home and embarks on her own. Amira and Moira keep her company and tell scary stories to keep her entertained.
"What are you working on anyway," Amira asks.
"A gift for mom."
"You have to make it from scratch?"
"The best gifts come from the heart. Don't you ever forget that."

Amira wants to talk to her dad. There's been something on her mind.
"I think I'm a witch and I used my powers to scare a kid."
"You shouldn't use your powers to scare people."
"But he was being mean and making fun of Moira for being artsy. No one makes fun of my family!"

Calude has no other words so he hugs Amira to him. Hugs will make everything better.

"How come I'm not a witch?"
"There's only a 50% chance you would be."
"I want to be special!"

"You're part alien. That's special."
"You're crazy!"

"Your mom is part alien and she traveled back in time. You're just as special as your sisters."

Leila requires proof. The proof is always in the trash, right?

Maeve prepares for her future.

"Mom, I'm ready to start my own life. I want to go to medical school and become a doctor."

"You know you have all my support," Varinia says.
"There's something I didn't tell you. After graduation I got a gift from DeAndre. Gala was holding on to it. It's my inheritance. Like, all of it. I'm using it to buy a house and go to school."
"That's wonderful news, Maevey. I guess DeAndre really did try in his old age."

"There's something else though, I've been working on it for years. This is my thank you to you for everything you've sacrificed to raise my sisters and me. I know I wasn't always the most easy going but I have never appreciated you more than I do now. You really were the best mother that I could have asked for. I love you!"

"Oh, darling this is so sweet of you. You were never. . . you were a wonderful child and you made me a better sim. I love you so very much." Varinia tries her best not to cry.

Maeve says her goodbyes and packs up a car with everything she has ever owned.

Varinia can't believe her eyes when she opens her gift from Maeve. There are all kinds of potions packed together. Two light pink ones with a small note attached draw her attention. Young Again potions for you and Claude when the time is right.

Varinia sets the second pink potion on her nightstand and wonders what it could be.

Amira isn't ready to move into her big sister's empty bed yet. It seems wrong for her to be gone already.

Selma wakes up early. She needs some time to herself.

Fishing makes her feel a little more serene.


It was so hard to send Maeve on her way. She bought a little house and moved in with Israel and they immediately got married. They are both working at the hospital.


  1. Ah! So that's what the gift was! That's sweet of her <3
    It's hard saying goodbye. I remember saying goodbye to my first, but it's not like Maeve's gone forever (family reunions are always a good idea ;) )

    1. I was just so sad because if it had been up to me Maeve would have been heir but she just does not fit the roll for Gen 2. So alas, I had to say goodbye.
      Maeve started working on the chemistry set really early on in childhood and by the time she was almost an adult she only had like 2 potions to discover so I thought that would be a fitting gift from her to her mother. Plus, I want Varinia and Claude to be able to get married and help raise some grandchildren. :D

  2. A good chapter for Maeve. It's sweet she and her husband both work at the same place. :)

    1. I think they both ended up in the medical career because they were both geniuses. They routinely get promoted together too.

  3. How is Varinia doing in her career, now that there's not been a pregnancy for a while?

    At least Maeve will be happy, but a part of me wanted to see her work her way up instead of get a large chunk of money. Happy for her though. And the potions, how thoughtful!

    1. She's an Orchestra Member at this point. So she's at level 7 in her career track.

      Yeah, I would have loved to play Maeve through her adult life but I didn't want to start gen 2 with 4 gen 1 kids still in the house.

      I needed the potions because Varinia and Claude spent so much time making and raising babies that they were going to age to elders so soon. I still had to get Awesome! in order too. Maeve definitely helped out in that regard.
